Friday 20 July 2012


There is now some info about Sheffield Pubs and links for local breweries. I intend there to be a lot more local beer information in the near future as I would like this blog to act as guidance for anyone drinking in Sheffield for the first time. It will hopefully also expand the beer horizons of some residents, as that is what I'm striving to do myself.

I have now planned the pub crawl around Durham and Newcastle fro my birthday and came across a very useful blog: that covers all the real ale pubs in the north east of England. I hope to be as comprehensive as that one day whilst still writing up my beer adventures in other towns and cities.

Keep drinking beer!

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Review of Lincoln Real Ale Crawl now Published!

Check out the write up of our night around Lincoln in May.

We really enjoyed our trip around Chesterfield last Friday and will most certainly be returning in the near future. Look out for the write up which will appear this week.

Preparations for the crawls around Durham and Newcastle are well under way with a short list of pubs to visit now selected.
The expansion across social media continues! There is now a twitter account under @SheffieldBeer which links to this blog.

More improvements coming soon!

Tuesday 10 July 2012

1st Article now posted!

The write up of my visit to Leeds has now been added under the page headed Real Ale Pub Crawls around the UK.

Why Leeds? Well this year my fiancé and I have decided to visit as many towns and cities possible in the UK to assess their real ale scene, and try new beers. For the belief is that Sheffield has one of the finest real ale scenes, especially given the semi-famous crawl around Kelham Island.

Derby will be visited soon for it has won beer capital of Britain most recently, making it a priority crawl. Lincoln was visited in May and will be written up and posted soon.

On the horizon there are crawls around Durham, Newcastle (end of July), Bath and Bristol (early September) and by the end of the year we hope to have visited Manchester, Chesterfield (this Friday!) and Nottingham.

All crawls are planned using the Good Beer Guide (GBG) which shows on a map where are the pubs in it are, all over the country. Vigorous research is undertaken before the selection of pubs is chosen. For one cannot possibly get round all the entries in the GBG in a city in one night. And one most certainly does NOT drink halves unless there are serious time constraints.

So I hope you get something out of reading about beer missions in other places and give it a go, it is quite affordable. After all we manage it and I am a lowly agency worker and my fiancé is a student!

Monday 9 July 2012

Slow Progress

There is a lot of content planned for this blog but it will take some time to get it all up to speed. But please keep checking as info will be added as I go along.

Thanks for your patience. :)

What's It All About?

Hello beer lovers!

Now, just to clarify; when I say beer I am in fact referring to Real Ale. But I would like to reclaim beer as a description of real ale. Beer is NOT lager, it never was, but calling it real ale all the time becomes a little stuffy. It is fine for CAMRA, as the distinction of ‘real’ ale is what they’re all about, and I am a proud CAMRA member.

So, Sheffield Beer? I am based in Sheffield so the main focus will be on the beer scene in that wonderful city in the north of England. I will be putting my personal views across but also providing an informal guide and a forum for discussion. But I will not be limiting content or discussion to just the local area. There are simply too many quality micro breweries around the country to ignore, and I am trying to sample wares from as many as possible!

Content? There will be some local brewery history, interviews with prominent figures, useful information, news of upcoming beer related events and accounts of pub crawls near and far.

So I hope you find this entertaining/amusing/helpful/informative/slightly irritating!

Paul Holden