Friday 14 September 2012

Sheffield 2013 Good Beer Guide Entries

Well... The Sheffield 2013 Good Beer Guide Entries were expected to change somewhat but the result is nothing short of cataclysmic. Altogether there have been 14 entries that have been altered but overall there are 4 less entries than last year. Has Sheffield lost 3 entries to the newly created Dronfield sub branch and other nearby areas? That is the only plausible explanation although it should be noted 2 of the Dronfield entries were in last year anyway.

It is good to see The Ship on Shalesmoor being recognised for its efforts, perhaps it will not be so underrated from now on. It is not surprising that Shakespeare’s and The Blake have been included as both are excellent ale pubs in every way. And the remaining new inclusion is The White Lion in Heeley which is not unexpected as it was in the 2011 Good Beer Guide, and has always maintained a good range of local beer. But no Broadfield I hear you ask with horror? Well I think it opened just after the voting process was completed so its absence is to be expected.

But there have been some rather startling omissions, which I find simply unfathomable. The Gardener’s Rest, Hillsborough Hotel and The Rising Sun in Nether Green are no longer in the guide. All are exemplary real ale outlets, all are very popular beyond ale drinkers and all are attached to local breweries. I must say I have lost a little faith in Sheffield CAMRA members! We have also lost The New Barrack Tavern, The Ranmoor Inn, Champs (although that has changed and moved), The Carlton, The Ball in Crookes, and The Francis Newton.

The blog will be updated to show the new list of entries and there will have to be a new post on good ale pubs that are not in the Good Beer Guide.


  1. Hello, welcome to Sheffield beer bloggers! Thats 5 of us now. Not a writers city it seems....

    Liked your post, I hadn't realised the Rising Sun, and Gardeners had been omitted, can't fathom it either. Maybe the HH was in terminal decline when voting commenced? Was pretty grim from about November as I recall.

    Hope you don't mind but here's a link to my review (an address unfortunately, not tech minded)

    and here's one from fellow Sheffield based blogger Barl Fire :

    Many thanks, WB

  2. Some surprising omissions there! I recently joined CAMRA so I may have some input in the process next year? I understand the Hillsborough Hotel has changed hands and is now called 'The Hillsborough'. A perfect opportunity to revert to one of it's former names has been missed! It used to be the called The Hero and his horse!
